A Modern Day, Metaphorical Apartheid

A colleague of mine recently posted this brilliant piece on her blog, and I thought it to be fitting to post on my blog as well. Keep up the good work!

Fuck The Patriarchy, Literally

Regina Dominic | 15 April 2014

As the leader of the Macon chapter of the association of Radical Women, I think it’s time for a serious societal change. The issue of femeyl oppression is something we have dealt with for far too long and it is still present today. We should thank the pioneers of wymyn’s rights and historical role models that have paved the road for our work, but we need to do them the honor of attaining equality once and for all.

We do not receive equal pay, we are overly sexualized in the media and we are viewed as inferior to men. Especially here at Stratford, one can easily see these issues in every aspect of our lives.

We wymyn need to band together. We need to stand up for our rights and forcefully assert our place in modern times. We should not cower before the idea of extreme measures – for this is an extreme issue.

For example: Sadie Hawkins; a disgusting submission to the standard that only men can pursue wymyn. WHY is there only one particular dance where we get to pick a guy of our choice? Shouldn’t both genders feel free to ask whomever? Well I, for one, am done dealing with these issues. “Girl Talk” is no longer sufficient for me. I propose an effective, revolutionary plan.


All of the dogs. All of the “gentlemen” who don’t respect our authority and insist on such atrocities as opening doors for us (I MEAN, HONESTLY?!) or malevolently oppressing us through language itself, using the DEGRADING pronoun “women”. This method will set a standard by which we will finally reach the superior position in society that we deserve. If they insist on valuing us by our sexuality then we will take away theirs. It’s the most simple justice.

These effective measures should not stop only at punishing the barbaric bastards. We wymyn need to stop the women that give in to the over-sexualization that men force upon us. I’m talking about the shameful women that shave their legs, shave their armpits, wear bras, wear makeup, etc. “I do it for myself: not anyone else” *ACHOO* Excuse me, I am allergic to BULLSHIT. These disgraceful femeyls cowardly give in to the uncontrollable sexual desires of men and hide their weakness behind the excuse that they do it for themselves. They play right into the idea that wymyn are inferior and take no stand whatsoever. Just the other day, I saw a regular girl walking towards the science building. Some egotistical bastard had the audacity to walk right up and open the door as if she was not capable herself! And the horror does not stop there; the unsuspecting girl then gave in to his degrading actions and actually said, and I quote, “Thank you!”. AS IF HE HAD DONE HER A FAVOR. True wymyn are comfortable with our own natural bodies and confident that we are just as, if not more (undoubtedly more) capable of doing things on our own.

In case some still have concerns about my modern approach to dealing with this issue, let me tell you of some of the sexist crimes that have occurred on our campus and in our society DAILY. Take this personal experience of mine, one that happened just last week: in an obvious ploy to assert his dominance, a male condescendingly pulled my chair out for me. We wymyn cannot mistake this “courtesy” as genuine; it is a sly, passive-aggressive attempt to push us even further down the social chain.

We need to take a definitive stand, and I do not see any other way to do this. Castration is a fair, effective option that I believe all true wymyn will stand behind.

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